5 Helpful Tips to Improve your Recovery

How is your recovery game?

As endurance athletes we are constantly walking a fine line between improvement and injury. Our goal is to successfully train in order to get stronger while at the same recovering properly so that the growth can actually occur. 🌟

There are bucketloads of data and research out there and the results are going to vary a bit from athlete to athlete but here are 5 fairly universal ways to help improve your recovery. If you aren’t already doing them- hop on board!

1.Sleep- this is a no brainer. We pretty much all need more then we get. Evaluate your sleeping habits and set 1 new goal in this regard. Also, for many power naps are where it’s at. They work wonders for me.

2.Hydration- Muscles were made for water! Two hours post workout are the most important to be properly hydrated but we need water all day long to let those muscle heal and grow. My base suggestion is no less then 100 ounces per day. More depending on how much you sweat, weigh, muscle mass, etc.

3.Nutrition- you need carbs and protein within 30 minutes of finishing a workout. Plan ahead and make it happen. Know what you are going to eat after your workout BEFORE you workout. I could write an entire post on nutrition but let's Just say that stepping up my nutrition game always improves performance and recovery. Food is fuel. It’s a secret weapon. Use it wisely.

4.Cold Therapy- there are mixed reviews but many pros and coaches swear by it. In this regard, it’s best to know your own body. I feel like ice-baths and cryotherapy post long and key runs work WONDERS. It’s a miracle worker for me. Try it out and see what you think for yourself.

5.Stretch MORE- Are you doing a warmup routine before hard workouts? Dynamic stretching is a great injury prevention tool and will help you recover faster. Are you doing static stretching after you run? It’s a must. Do you foam roll? There literally dozens of amazing tools out there to help. Rolling helps get rid of knots, prevent injury, increase flexibility, reduce soreness and increase blood flow. Last but not least in the stretching family, yoga. Yoga for runners is proven to be a dynamite recovery tool!

Recover well friends.

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Rhandi Orme